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For our students from Nursery through Sixth Form, our aim is to provide a really good robust academic environment alongside a much richer experience as well. Our students go on to be doctors, dancers and engineers. They go on to follow a whole range of careers with a personal self-belief that helps them succeed. But more importantly they learn the skills, the future skills, to build a life not just a living.

Frensham Heights Main House fro
Our School


Nursery and Reception

Our Nursery and Reception children spend most of their day learning through a method called Planning in the Moment. Our quick-thinking Early Years teachers mould the day’s learning around whatever interests the children may bring in with them. The day after Bonfire Night will probably bring activities on light and dark (a quick trip to the photography darkroom), hot and cold, shadows, colour, noises, surely with a campfire down at the forest school to top it all off.


The Reception teachers will filter Mathematics, Phonics and English through short games and activities. It’s the kind of education that keeps the children’s spirits alive and keen to learn more while giving them crucial skills for learning. It teaches them that their opinions and interests are important, that their voices, no matter how little, will be heard and most importantly, that school is a lot of fun.

nursery child playing outside
young student outside
nursery children and teacher looking at a picture


Years 1 to 6

At Frensham, we are not prepping for anything. From the day each child joins they are each starting off on their own educational journey – it’s the real thing, not a run up. We welcome them with the full understanding and expectation that they each have different interests, personalities and strengths and different paths to follow. This is a wonderful release for the children and the teachers. They can fully embrace the unique combination of characters within a class and dive together into their learning adventure without limiting themselves to ticking boxes or ranking and rating each achievement.

We know genuine learning happens when you’re happy, unhindered by external pressures, and that is our true focus here, for every child.


Our Junior School children have active, varied days. We tend to stick to a timetable, but we also have the freedom and flexibility to break from the norm if it boosts curiosity, creativity and a passion for learning.

Junior School children make homemade pasta
Junior School child dressed for Environmental Day
Junior School child with hand raised
two students chatting, one on a bicycle


Years 7 and 8

Years 7 to 8 are important and exciting years for teaching and learning at Frensham. With exams not quite on the horizon, we can still offer a purposefully broad curriculum allowing students to find the subjects which really interest them. Teaching practices are innovative and progressive allowing for student-led initiative and flexibility. With small class sizes, teachers can really offer bespoke teaching always considering the unique group of students in front of them. Less tied to lesson plans, if something isn’t working, they can discuss and work with the students to find a better way to get everyone engaged and participating.

students on laptops in classroom


Years 9 to 11

Years 9 to 11 are formative years for all students not only academically, but emotionally and socially. Like most mainstream schools, we follow the GCSE curriculum and assessment processes. Our teaching and learning during these years is closely curriculum-led, but we do our best to continuously support our students’ personal passions and interests. Rather than focusing only on the exam results, our aim is to give our students the knowledge and the thinking skills - creativity, problem solving, flexibility, resilience - to take on whatever may turn up on the exams, but also in life beyond. 


Emotionally and socially, these can be tricky years for all teenagers to navigate and this is where the strong relationships and outstanding pastoral care at Frensham can really give them the chance to enjoy what can be very stressful years. In Year 9, all students take part in a trip to the Peak District. It is unique and beneficial in so many ways. It is technology-free. It is far enough from home for a true independence and self-confidence to grow within each child. They step outside their comfort zone, leave teenage stresses behind and are able to really appreciate the beauty of their environment and the relationships they have with friends and teachers.

students in an English classroom
students dancing on stage
students hiking in Knoydart Scotlan


Years 12 to 13

A-Level student working on art project

Frensham Sixth Form is a really unique place. It offers the freedom and responsibility of a Sixth Form setting with the vibrancy and opportunities of a whole school community. These are the years when students are on the brink of adulthood, readying for their first big step into independence, whatever that might be. A-Levels mean that during these years our teaching and learning is more curriculum-led, but our classes are very small and teachers are able to offer bespoke teaching to the class in front of them, continuously engaging with their students’ personal passions and interests.
Rather than focusing purely on exam results, our aim is to give our students the knowledge and the thinking skills - creativity, problem solving, flexibility, resilience - to take on whatever may turn up on the exams, but also in life beyond. The strong relationships and outstanding pastoral care at Frensham can really give students the confidence to be themselves, take things in stride and go beyond their own expectations.

A-Level Science students doing chemistry experiment
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