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There is an energy about Frensham which is hard to describe. It's a feeling of happiness and lightness, a sense of freedom. It comes from all the children being comfortable in their own skins, their own clothes. With no prefects or head boys and girls, everyone is on a level playing field. They can be who they are. And it comes from our foundation of exceptional pastoral care which thrives on the genuine relationships which develop between all members of the community - looking out for one another.

Frensham in three words - listen to our students and teachers trying to sum up Frensham in just three words...


If you ask someone who’s never visited Frensham, they’ll probably just say we’re a school that uses first names and doesn’t have uniforms. It might be said with a hint of doubt. That’s a bit weird, right? But, if we look around at our modern society – the workplace, family life – is it really so strange?


These are actually very simple things, very natural things and their effect in a school setting is quite refreshing – ultimately by taking away that hint of doubt about doing something differently, that worry about being a bit weird.

Junior School students play outside

Ours is an environment that says come and be you. If you love dancing, then do that. If you love science, then great do that. If you love wearing woolly hats all year, that’s fine too. Be yourself, be open-minded and you’ve already created the perfect environment for learning.

students garden in an allotment


As from our founding days, everyone at Frensham is on a level playing field. When you come here, you can just relax and be yourself. The teachers don’t hide behind titles or formal clothes and the children’s individuality isn’t hidden behind uniforms or false respect. Egos are left at the door. The Head, the littlest nursery child, the newest teacher, the shyest sixth former, the part-time TAs, the support staff. Everyone is an equal, important, valued part of the community.



Teachers don’t have to spend time telling students to pull up their socks, instead they have conversations, build relationships. Really special relationships built on genuine, mutual respect and interest. Relationships that spark learning.



Contrary to what many believe, Progressive Education is not without boundaries. Respect underlies everything we do at Frensham; respect that is earned, not demanded or assumed. We give children more freedom than at other schools, but with freedom comes responsibility and we have high expectations of everyone in our community.


There is a misconception that a school without uniforms and with children walking together rather than in lines is a school without discipline. It is true that we don’t give detentions and the sanctions we do give out are not done on a whim for minor mistakes. What we do, and this takes much more time and patience, is talk and listen.

a student rides his bike through the school campus
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Our students make mistakes, everyone makes mistakes and that is okay, it’s how you grow. You own your mistakes, learn from them and move on. But, the first time is a mistake, and the second time is a choice and you will find then that there are consequences at Frensham, just like at every other school. In any other tight-knit community.


Being shut down or shut out is an easy option all around. It stops the conversation, shuts the door and doesn’t allow anyone to move forward or grow up. At Frensham, discipline is based on conversations. It’s not an easy, laissez-faire option. These are difficult two way conversations about putting your hands up and owning and accepting your choices, rectifying, moving on and becoming the best version of yourself.



The freedom is here to help our students grow into open-minded, courageous, well-rounded individuals and for the most part they stand up and embrace the responsibility and the trust that goes along with that. It is truly refreshing and the perfect opportunity to get ready for life beyond school.


Student and Teacher

Student and Teacher

Portrait photo of student and teacher

Ceramics Teacher

Ceramics Teacher

Portrait photo of teacher on orange background

Junior School Teachers

Junior School Teachers

portrait photo of Frensham Heights Junior School teachers on a blue background

PE Teachers

PE Teachers

portrait photograph of Frensham Heights PE teachers on a blue background

Geography Teachers

Geography Teachers

portrait photography of two Frensham Heights geography teachers on an orange background

Director of Sport

Director of Sport

portrait photograph of Frensham Heights Director of Sport on a blue background

Two teachers

Two teachers

portrait photo of two Frensham Heights teachers on an orange background

ICT Teachers

ICT Teachers

portrait photo of Frensham Heights ICT teachers on a blue background

Senior School Teacher and student

Senior School Teacher and student

portrait photo of Senior School student and teacher on a pink background

Senior School Teacher and students

Senior School Teacher and students

portrait photo of Senior School students and teacher on a pink background

Head of Junior School and Student

Head of Junior School and Student

portrait photo of Frensham Heights Head of Junior School and Junior School student on a blue background

Teacher Student and Greenpower car

Teacher Student and Greenpower car

portrait photo of a Frensham Heights teacher and student with a Greenpower car

Frensham Heights teachers

Frensham Heights teachers

photo portrait of two Frensham Heights teachers on a blue background

Teacher and student

Teacher and student

photo portrait of a Frensham Heights teacher and student on a pink background

Performing Arts Teachers

Performing Arts Teachers

photo portrait of Frensham Heights Performing Arts Teachers on an orange background

History Teachers

History Teachers

portrait photo of Frensham Heights History teachers holding hats on a blue background

Junior School teachers

Junior School teachers

portrait photo of Frensham Heights Junior School teachers on an orange background

PRE teachers

PRE teachers

portrait photo of two Frensham Heights PRE teachers holding dolls on a blue background

Sixth Form teacher and students

Sixth Form teacher and students

portrait photo of Frensham Heights Sixth Form teacher and students sitting down on a pink background

Sixth Form teacher and students

Sixth Form teacher and students

portrait photo of Frensham Heights Sixth Form Philosophy teacher and students on a pink background

PE teacher and student

PE teacher and student

portrait photo of Frensham Heights Cricket coach and student holding a cricket bat on a yellow background

Maths teachers

Maths teachers

portrait photo of two Frensham Heights Maths teachers on a blue background

Senior School teacher and student

Senior School teacher and student

portrait photo of Frensham Heights Head of Senior School and a student sitting down on a pink background

Student and Teacher

Student and Teacher

portrait photo of Frensham Heights teacher and student on a pink background

PE coach

PE coach

portrait photo of Frensham Heights PE coach on a blue background

Geography Teachers

Geography Teachers

portrait photo of Frensham Heights Geography teachers on a blue background

Sixth Form Art teacher and student

Sixth Form Art teacher and student

portrait photo of Sixth Form Fine Arts teacher and student on a pink background

Nursery teacher and child

Nursery teacher and child

portrait photo of a Frensham Heights nursery teacher and child sitting down on a yellow background

Sixth Form Creative Arts Teacher and Student

Sixth Form Creative Arts Teacher and Student

a portrait photo of a Frensham Heights Sixth Form Creative Arts student and teacher sitting down in front of a pink background

Maths teachers

Maths teachers

portrait photo of Frensham Heights Maths teachers on a blue background

laughing teacher and student

laughing teacher and student

portrait photo of Frensham Heights student and teacher laughing on a pink background

Outdoor Education teacher

Outdoor Education teacher

portrait photo of Frensham Heights Head of Outdoor Education on a blue background


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